USA Cursors


-Don't listen to another bad hip hop song!-

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Open Your Eyes- Chiddy Bang Ft. Mac Miller (Download)

Here is some new Mac & Chiddy for you. I love when these two colab because of the chemistry they have. I have always felt that they are almost on two sides of the Hip Hop spectrum, hard hip hop (Chiddy), lifted easy hip hop (Mac). With songs like these they provide a happy medium of lyricism and flows. Oh and not to mention the nice beat from Xaphoon, as expected. Happy Jammin.

Update: Not really sure where this track came from (seems to come out of nowhere) but maybe it was meant to be on Best Day Ever but just didn't make it (note the best day ever tag from Mac).

Bottom Line: Great colab from Mac & Chiddy that is a MUST download for any fan.


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